Analysing Music Video
Music video’s consist of various codes and conventions, which makes them both recognisable and effective. There are a diverse set of rules and techniques used to ultimately create a successful music video.
Jump Cuts
When the camera angle remains static (doesn’t move) but there’s an edit in the filming. Music video uses jump cuts for effect.
30-Degree Rule
When you break this rule you have a jump cut. This is when you move the camera 30 degrees or more so the audience moves with you.
Jump Cuts in Music Video
Jump cuts are used frequently in music videos for specific effect. This is to jar the audience, Surprise them and take notice. This is to make the audience conscious that they are watching a music video. If you have a jump cut in a narrative it looks fake, it looks like a mistake.
180-Degree Rule
The audience has a certain position you orientate the audience. If you break this rule you disorientate the audience.
Graphic Match
When you have a cut to something a similar shape or colour, this is used frequently in music video to create fluency or links.
Match on Action
Shouting the same action but other people do it in different shots. This creates an idea of ongoing action.
Low Angle Shots
Used much more in music videos than they are in films, this can make someone look like they’re performing. It also adds significance to the artist.
When a media text makes an explicit reference to another media text.
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